Sunday, August 3, 2014


We've been having an amazing week in this beautiful country. Each day was jammed pack with sports camp and life-changing service projects but those who work hard, also play hard. At camp we had the help of the transition kids (kids who are old enough to start living on their own but are still involved at the orphanage). They translated and gathered kids for us so we got to reward them and our drivers/translators/muscle men (and ourselves) with a day at Wahoo Bay. The most beautiful ocean front EVER! Endless ocean out in front, mountains off to the sides. God's beauty was so evident everywhere, especially in the smiles of those boys we brought.

We got to hold starfish, poke at sea urchins, jump on a trampoline in the ocean, and get ridiculously sun burnt. All the guys kept saying is "God is so good to us!" I just love the way the Haitians bring all the glory right back to where it belongs, back to God!

Then..... after that glorious relaxing day, we got to check out some Haitian night life. Such a beautiful, rich culture that take the beauty of dance very seriously. Jean took 20 of us women (a few guys) salsa dancing! He's definitely a brave man. He was so patient with us while showing us some Haitian dance floor etiquette. They are so incredible and graceful and smooth in their dancing. SO fun to do and SO, SO fun to watch. Thank you beautiful Haitian dancer for letting us take over your club for a little while, you are a joy to watch!

Well.... Haiti, you continue to surprise me each day and I love every second of it. Until next time Haiti!